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Hair loss  summary

We are here to help you with any problems you may face.

As hair specialists, we will be explaining the causes of hair loss, solutions, and how to care for your hair.

short hair japanese salon singapore SADs  River Valley gnome cosmetics the fluxus house hair salon   全てのお客様の容姿、心、日常に美しさと喜びを〜 Hair deisgn = Lifestyle Bringing joy and beauty to our customers' appearance, heart and daily life.   私たちはお客様の髪に品質の高いデザインと髪の状態にあわせたヘアケアを提供します。 Providing the best design and hair care tailored to our customers' hair condition~   経験豊富なデザイナーがあなたの髪をプロデュース。 トレンドも押さえながら顧客それぞれに似合うヘアスタイルを提案し、自宅でのヘアスタイルの再現性を高くします。  Producing amazing quality hair, done by stylists with heaps of experience.  Only proposing trending hairstyles that suit all of our customers. Allowing for an easy maintainance and easily recreated at home.

Traction Alopecia

Traction alopecia is a condition in which hair follicles are pulled or repeatedly stressed to the point that they no longer produce supple, healthy hair.

Tight ponytails, braids, and hair extensions are often the cause. The more stress is applied, the weaker your hair follicles become, and the less nutrients and blood supply to your hair.

This will lead to fluffy, fine hair and hair loss.


First, understand your hair quality.

“We recommend that you properly understand your own hair quality. In addition to the density (number of hair strands) and thickness of your hair, you should also know about its suppleness and porosity. That way, you will know which hairstyles and practices are burdensome."

Be aware of how you handle and style your hair based on an understanding of its texture.

For example, don't tie ponytails too tightly, and don't rush into complicated hairstyles.

Also, when wearing hair extensions, remove them immediately if they feel too tight.

It is also important to not choose the same hairstyle over and over again.

One of the factors that contribute to traction alopecia is the constant pulling in the same direction and stress, so changing hairstyles can help prevent this.

Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia (CCCA)

Central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia (CCCA) is a form of alopecia most commonly found in women of African descent.

It is characterized by circular-shaped hair loss on the parietal area of the head.

In an interview with Vulture magazine, actress Viola Davis discussed symptoms of what she believed to be CCCA, saying, "One day I woke up and my hair was falling out all over the top of my head.

Although the disease is most likely caused by genetics, the use of hot combs, straightening, braids, and extensions can also be a factor; with CCCA, hair follicles are damaged, making it difficult for the hair to grow back, and therefore requires immediate treatment.


Try changing your hairstyle

If you suffer from hair loss or alopecia, one hairstyling method can help ease the burden.

Changing from long hair to medium hair

From medium hair to short hair, etc.

Try not to put too much stress on the scalp.

Basically, if your hair is fine, you shouldn't let it grow too long. The longer it gets, the weaker the hair becomes and the skinnier it looks. Even short hair can be layered to create volume.

Excessive styling and product use on fine hair is a big no.

We tend to use lots of styling products to add volume. Instead of using a lot of styling products, it is more effective to protect the moisture and bounce of the hair.

If you start to notice hair loss, you can try changing the parting of your hair, or use hair make-up products to fill in the gaps in the scalp where hair loss has occurred.

And if the hair loss is severe, we suggest consulting a dermatologist.

Stress and Lifestyle

Stress affects both body and mind, and of course, hair is a part of it. Stress increases cortisol levels in the body and puts the body into "survival mode”.

Hair science scholars explain that when the body enters this "survival mode," it concentrates vital nutrients and energy on important areas such as the brain and muscles, preventing nutrients from reaching the hair and causes a hormonal imbalance that disrupts the hair growth cycle and damages scalp health.

This disrupts the hair cycle and can lead to telogen effluvium, a prolonged "resting period" during which hair does not grow for a long period of time.

In this case, the symptoms should improve if stress is alleviated.

Fine hair may be due to iron, vitamin D, vitamin B12, or protein deficiency, so a well-balanced diet is recommended.

Protein is the source of keratin, which makes hair strong, so vegetarians and vegans must be careful or they will increase their chances of losing hair luster and volume.


Put your health first! Relying on supplements is one way to do this.

In addition to identifying the sources of stress in your life, review your diet to ensure sufficient protein and iron intake.

Also, incorporating fish high in fat, such as salmon, and omega-3 fatty acids, such as chia seeds and flax, will lead to healthier hair and body.

It would be a good idea to consult a doctor and have a blood test done to determine what nutrients you are lacking.

It is also a good idea to try to get the missing nutrients from your diet first, and if that is still difficult, you can turn to supplements.

Could it be caused by an illness!?

Since 80% of alopecia is caused by heredity, let’s find out about hair loss in your family.

On the other hand, in some cases, such as alopecia areata caused by an autoimmune disease, it may be caused by a disease.

The relationship between the coronavirus and hair loss has recently been studied. According to a survey by the Institute of Trichologists (IoT) in the UK, which studies hair and scalp treatment, 79% of their trichologists reported that their patients experienced "coronavirus hair loss" in their clinics.

We have heard of many of our clients who have had problems.

Possible side effects of the coronavirus such as, loss of appetite and fever.

Stress caused by the coronavirus could also be a factor.


Consult your doctor

By discussing your own health status and identifying the causes of stress and hormonal imbalances, you can detect the possibility of illness or disease at an early stage.

Pregnancy and Menopause

Hormonal changes can affect not only skin, but hair as well.

While your skin and hair may look and feel shiny during pregnancy.

After delivery, one may feel that it is rapidly lost.

These are caused by telogen effluvium, which is a prolonged resting period of hair, leading to hair loss.

Hormonal imbalance after menopause can also cause hair loss.

While estrogen, the female hormone that promotes hair growth, decreases in women around menopause, testosterone, the male hormone that causes hair loss, increases.

As a result, this hair loss is accelerated.


Remember, the hair loss after pregnancy is just temporary!!

During pregnancy, female hormones increase, affecting the hair growth cycle, making it less likely to fall out, and the hair may seem to temporarily increase in volume.

Once the hormonal balance returns to normal, they fall out naturally.

Therefore, the hair loss experienced after pregnancy is simply the loss of hair that "built up" during the pregnancy!

Frequent usage of hot tools

Frequent usage of hot tools such as hair dryers, curling irons, and straightening irons can cause hair dryness, increasing the potential for damage and hair loss.

This is because repeated exposure to high heat weakens the hair.

In addition, dry, damaged hair is more difficult to style, so people tend to use hot tools for extra long periods of time, creating a negative loop.


Lower the heat of the tools

By doing so, you will be able to reduce damage to the hair.

If the temperature cannot be adjusted, do not apply heat to the same part over and over again in a short period of time.

Make sure to apply hair care to protect hair from heat.

Dry your hair properly and completely before using the tool.

These are the key points to reduce damage.

Excessive brushing

Brushing hair evenly should not be forgotten as it stimulates the scalp and promotes hair growth.

However, it is important to do so gently and carefully.

If your hair is pulled too hard or broken while brushing, it is most likely due to overloading or brushed in the wrong direction.

Brushing when the hair is wet, when it is most vulnerable, can also cause damage.


Use the right tool.

Choose a plastic pin with a rounded tip and a brush with a cushioned base bottom.

These types of brushes control the intensity of the brushing while untangling the hair.

Also, when unraveling hair, it is best to do so from the ends of the hair.

To avoid pulling the hair, secure the hair with your hands and gradually brush it down to the roots.

If you have trouble getting rid of tangles, try using a smooth spray and a coarse comb.

Choosing a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner is also very good.

S.A.D's hair design



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